Cash or Card

Most countries in the world have their own currency. So you probably will have to change money. To check what currency is being used in the country you plan to visit, check out our service We also provide current exchange rates.

You might want to consider not to carry to much money abroad. A credit/debit card usually is the easiest way to pay for your hotel or travels. Withdrawing money at a local ATM is an other option. On arrival at the airport you can most often withdraw money for the first time. We strongly advise you to check the international fees and charges of your bank or credit card company.

In some countries there are few places where you can pay with your credit card or collect money at an ATM. The only option then is to bring cash, like US Dollars or European Euro’s to change abroad. Some people use Travelers Cheques, but Travelers Cheques are not generally accepted anymore.

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